The exhibition ”Mongolia in Pacov" in The Antonín Sova's Municipal Museum in Pacov
opened from 4.7.2020 ........ till 30.8.2020

The exhibition is hosted by the exhibition hall of the Antonin Sova's Municipal Museum in Pacov Castle.
(consecrated church of St. Wenceslas)
Antonín Sova is an important Czech poet who was born in Pacov in 1864.

An invitation to the exhibition is also included in the summer issue of the brochure "Pacovské rozhledy" (The brochure promoting important regional events).
Exhibition poster

You can view the photos in two files (by clicking on one of the following images)
Photographs from the opening of the exhibition and the interior of the exhibition hall.

The photos are accompanied by a short description and a link to the approximate location, see the example of labels.