Milena Kejla Urbanová - Fascinátory
I was delighted to be absorbed in the fascinating world of Milena Kejla Urban's fascinators.
I had the opportunity to create a series of photos for her website during the fashion show of Mili Kraus Tailor's Salon.
Each of the fascinators featured with an amount of splendid details, over which the hearts of the models and lenses of my camera rejoiced.
Below are some examples of photos from the file. They also recommend visiting
and a tour of all the fascinators presented at the fashion show.

Pan Milan pro mne vytvořil kolekci fotek, které mě nadchly.
Citlivým propojením ženské krásy, tajemství šarmu a zralé osobitosti
s křehkostí, pomíjivostí a jistou smrtelností mých šperků a květinových ozdob se panu Milanovi podařilo vytvořit živé obrazy. Výborně se mi s ním spolupracovalo, Milan umí nejenom "vidět", ale i naslouchat a sdělovat. Prostřednictvím svých fotek. Je pro mě radostí prezentovat se jeho dílem.
Milena Kejla Urbanová
floristka a lektorka

Mr. Milan created a collection of photos for me that inspired me.
Sensitive interconnection of female beauty, the mystery of charm
and mature personality with fragility, transience and a certain mortality
of my jewels and floral ornaments, Mr. Milan managed to create vivid images.
I cooperated very well with him because Milan does more
than just "sees". He also listens and communicates. Through his photos.
It is my pleasure to present my job by Milan's photos.
Milena Kejla Urbanová
florist and lecturer

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